Published Articles
- Is Mobile Money Changing Rural Africa? Evidence from a Field Experiment, Review of Economics and Statistics, Forthcoming (joint with Pedro C. Vicente).
See VoxDev article here.
- What Matters for the Decision to Study Abroad? A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment in Cape Verde, Journal of Development Economics, March 2025, 173: 103401 (joint with David Costa, Pedro Freitas, Gonçalo Lima and Ana B. Reis)
- Testing Classic Theories of Migration in the Lab, Journal of International Economics, November 2023, 145: 103826 (joint with David McKenzie).
See World Bank blog post here.
- Can Information and Alternatives to Irregular Migration Reduce “Backway” Migration from The Gambia?, Journal of Development Economics, October 2023, 165: 103153 (joint with Tijan Bah, Flore Gubert and David McKenzie).
See World Bank blog post here.
- Closing the Gender Profit Gap, Management Science, December 2022, 68(12): 8553–8567. (joint with Sandra Sequeira and Pedro C. Vicente).
See VoxDev article here.
- COVID-19 and Intentions to Migrate from The Gambia: Survey Evidence and a Salience Experiment, Journal of African Economies, December 2022 (joint with Tijan Bah, Flore Gubert and David McKenzie).
See GlobalDev blog post here.
- Keep It Simple: A Field Experiment on Information Sharing among Strangers, World Bank Economic Review, November 2022, 36(4): 857-888. (joint with Marcel Fafchamps and Pedro C. Vicente)
- Mobile Money, VoxDevLit, 2(1), February 2021 (joint with Tavneet Suri, Jenny Aker, Michael Callen, Tarek Ghani, William Jack, Leora Klapper, Emma Riley, Simone Schaner, and Sandip Sukhtankar).
- Adopting Mobile Money: Evidence from an Experiment in Rural Africa, American Economic Association P&P, May 2020, 594–598 (joint with Pedro C. Vicente).
- Improving Access to Savings through Mobile Money: Experimental Evidence from African Smallholder Farmers, World Development, May 2020, 129, 104905 (joint with Pedro C. Vicente).
See ATAI policy brief here.
- Do Migrant Social Networks Shape Political Attitudes and Behavior at Home?, World Development, May 2019, 117: 328-343. (joint with Julia Seither and Pedro C. Vicente).
See reference in The Economist here.
- Migrant Remittances and Information Flows: Evidence from a Field Experiment (including Online Appendix), World Bank Economic Review, February 2018, 32 (1): 203–219. (joint with Gaia Narciso)
- Return Migration, Self-Selection and Entrepreneurship (including Online Appendix), Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, October 2017, 79: 797–821. (joint with Tara McIndoe-Calder and Pedro C. Vicente).
See reference in The Economist here.
- Do Migrants Send Remittances as a Way of Self-Insurance?, Oxford Economic Papers, January 2016, 68 (1): 108-130. (joint with Janis Umblijs).
- Directed Giving: Evidence from an Inter-Household Transfer Experiment, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, October 2015, 118: 2-21. Lead Article. (joint with Dan Silverman and Dean Yang).
- International Specialization and the Return to Capital, B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (Advances), July 2015, 15 (2): 467–508. (joint with Jacques Potin).
- Stages of Diversification in a Neoclassical World, Economics Letters, February 2014, 122(2): 276-284. (joint with Jacques Potin).
- Migration, Risk Attitudes and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from a Representative Immigrant Survey, IZA Journal of Migration, September 2014, 3:17. (joint with Janis Umblijs).
- Testing the “Brain Gain” Hypothesis: Micro Evidence from Cape Verde, Journal of Development Economics, January 2012, 97(1): 32-45. (joint with Aitor Lacuesta and Pedro C. Vicente).
See reference in The Economist here.
- Do Migrants Improve Governance at Home? Evidence from a Voting Experiment, World Bank Economic Review, May 2011, 25 (1): 77-104. (joint with Pedro C. Vicente).
Working papers
- Integrating Immigrants as a Tool for Broad Development (joint with Lara Bohnet, Jules Gazeaud and Julia Seither)
- Why do People Migrate Irregularly? Evidence from a Lab in the Field Experiment in West Africa (joint with Tijan Bah)
- Behavioral Constraints of Micro-Entrepreneurs (joint with Julia Seither) (new version available soon)
Work In Progress
- Mentoring for Success of Immigrant College Students (joint with Pedro Freitas and Ana B Reis)
- Raising Educational Aspirations (joint with Pedro Freitas, Ana Reis, Wayne Sandholtz and Jose Tavares)
- Entrepreneurship as a Social Mobility and Inclusion Strategy (joint with Miguel Ferreira, Ines Gonçalves and Francisco Queiro)
- Grade Shaming or Healthy Competition? How Public Relative Performance Feedback Affects Students’ Achievements (joint with Julia Seither and Alex Coutts)
permanent working papers
- Migrant Networks and Migrant Intentions to Return (joint with Francesco Cestari)
- Assessing the Role of Social Networks on Migrant Labor Market Outcomes (joint with Ana Isabel Costa)
- Introducing Mobile Money in Rural Mozambique: Evidence from a Field Experiment (joint with Pedro C. Vicente)
- Why Doesn’t Labor Flow from Poor to Rich Countries? Micro Evidence from the European Integration Experience, Oxford Economics Department Working Paper No. 402
- Joining the EU: Capital Flows, Migration and Wages, Oxford Economics Department Working Paper No. 342
- Brain Drain or Brain Gain? Micro Evidence from an African Success Story (joint with Aitor Lacuesta and Pedro C. Vicente), IZA Discussion Paper No. 3035
- Can the Fund’s Medium-Term Growth Projections Be Improved?, IMF Working Paper No. 04/203 (joint with Juan Zalduendo)
Conferences ORGANIZED
- 2024 novafrica conference on economic development – conference webpage here
- 15th afd/world bank international conference on migration and development – conference webpage here
- 2022 novafrica conference on economic development – conference webpage here
- 2019 novafrica conference on economic development in africa – conference webpage here
- 2016 novafrica conference on economic development in africa – conference webpage here
- 2012 novafrica conference on economic development in africa – conference webpage here
- tempo conference on international migration – conference webpage here